The Hummingbird is a universal symbol for Joy and Doing Impossible Things.
Bluebonnets symbolize rebirth of spiritual beauty. 

May your Impossible Rebirth be Beautiful and Joyful.

Eco-Friendly - APRIL 2019

Honoring the Earth and the People Who Honor Their Home Planet with Articles, Videos,Tips, & Practices
Claire Papin interviews Marc Cool . Seeds of Change . (Claire's archives plus short video)

Seeds of Change - Save the Tomato

2019-4 Marc Cool Seeds of Change.mp3

People from all over the world are taking part in designing more sustainable, community-based food systems, and a record number of them are starting their own vegetable and fruit gardens. My guest Marc Cool, the seed director from Seeds of Change, shares tips on how to grow your own food; as well as how to harvest and store your seeds.

Ongoing Eco-Friendly Tips & Practices

The natural world needs us.

The science is clear: climate change is the most serious threat facing our natural world. But research also shows that – if we act quickly – we can prevent irreversible damage to the lands and waters we all rely on.
Donate to The Nature Conservancy today and support real, on-the-ground climate solutions right now. Together we can make 2019 a turning point for our planet – but we need the resources to put our plan into action before it’s too late.

When you donate to The Nature Conservancy, you are supporting the work of 600 scientists on the ground in all 50 states and 72 countries. Your generous gift will be put to good use right away — from saving threatened lands to restoring degraded habitats, to permanently protecting our most vital lands and waters. Because healthy forests, grasslands and wetlands are our best tools for combating catastrophic climate damage. 

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